Beginnings. . .

I started this website and business nearly a year ago, and have made hilariously little progress. Part of that is just life and the demands of my day job, but a bigger part of it was ignorance of what I wanted to do and how to do it. Luckily, I have made some progress with both of those things. I don’t know everything about what I want to do or how to do it all perfectly, and that’s ok. It’s better to do things with an imperfect understanding than it is to waste time doing nothing but seeking understanding. More understanding will come as I do more things. Hell, that’s how everything works as far as I can tell. So, while I still don’t know nearly enough about how websites function to do the things I want to this one, I know enough to have a clear idea of what I want it to do and how to learn how to make it do those things. And I’ve had a broken vase on a shelf for at least a month that I’m going to start working on tonight.



